The Golden State is known worldwide as a top producer of hundreds of crops and commodities. Due to the rich, abundant soil and ideal, long growing season, California farmers and ranchers have benefited
The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.I’m guessing this old adage has its origins in farming . . . perhaps someone watching a dairy cow reach under the fence to sample the grass
The Hoard’s Dairyman website was redesigned late last fall, and included an overhaul on the youth quizzes section. We know this is a favorite location for dairy youth to visit
It is sports season in our household. Basketball is in full swing, weight lifting tournaments are underway, and after school workouts have become routine
Genomic workshops recently held across the country gave dairy farmers, veterinarians, and students the latest information on genomics — past, present, and future
My kids went back to school today after their Christmas vacation, but our other Christmas break is still going. Our other Christmas break is a six-week break from calving
One of the great things about having a daughter and nephew working on the farm is that, for the first time in our adult farming careers, my brother and I can leave the farm at the same time
Fall lasted particularly long throughout the country this year, but as temperatures drop and snow joins the party, winter seems to have finally arrived
Growing up exhibiting Brown Swiss dairy cattle at the World Dairy Expo is by far my favorite childhood memory. The lessons learned, the friendships made, and the memories created in Madison, Wis
Winter is here in Minnesota and that means I’ve been digging winter clothes out of storage . . . snow pants for the kids and calf coats for the calves. But I left my long underwear in storage
I received one of my favorite types of texts from my dad this weekend. It was a photo of a pitch black, newly born Holstein heifer out of one of my cows. Just the way I like them!
If you are like most Americans, you watched something. Maybe it was an amazing football catch, a local breaking news story, or a quick one-minute recipe. Facebook gets about 8 million video views each
The sun shined through the stream of pressurized water as I sprayed out the parlor, creating a perfect mini rainbow. How many times had I done the same task and not noticed the beautiful prism?
In my last blog post, “Simple social media for a busy farmer (hotlink to past post), I explained why it was important that you engage your consumers through social media
“We don’t have any flunixin,” Emily said. “It’s on backorder. I’m sorry."“What?” I asked, not wanting to believe what she said and half hoping that I hadn’t...